Sunday, December 23, 2007


Does anyone else think that Henry Rollins is an asshole?

Friday, December 21, 2007


I know Austin is supposed to be the live music capitol and I love my city and all, but i have yet to see a show in Austin with half the energy that was displayed last night at the White Rabbit in San Antonio. The band definitely thrived off of it and the show was a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be. Good Hard! The crowd stayed movin,singing, jumping and moshing from the first song to the last. I have to say that I was a little suprised to see so many chicks singing Tyler at the top of their lungs, as if they didn't know the song is about stalking and rape, but I think they did.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I THINK I'M DUMB.........

I'm absolutely retarded with delight about going to see the Toadies in San Antonio next week. I'll holla and let you know how Groovy it was.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Saw Nickel Creek @ Stubbs last night and it was stellar! They busted out some Jackson 5 as well as Brittney Spear's Toxic. Unbelievable! The first time I heard them was on A Prarie Home Companion radio show about 8 years ago. I was sittiing in a 5'x9' in Huntsville listening on a twelve dollar clock radio...and I was amazed then. How awesome it was to be standing outside in the beautiful evening in the middle of Austin seeing them live.

Friday, November 9, 2007


The hardest decision I've had to make in the last six months, or maybe even more, was wether to go see Mutemath @ LaZonaRosa or Deke Dickerson & Crazy Joe @ The Continental last night. I came very close to choosing Deke & Joe since I've seen the Mutemath show twice already, but not for a second ,as I stood there in LaZonaRosa so full of energy my head almost exploded, did I question my decision. I'm sure the other show was Great as well, I'm just glad Mutemath left me with absolutely no reason to even ponder if possibly another show could have been better. They were at the top of their game last night and have now added three screens behind them as they play.( as if they needed something to enhance their performance). I would go see that show for breakfast this morning if I could.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


Kenny freakin Lofton, Man!!! This old dude kicked the Yankees ass tonight! Anybody who was playing baseball when I was in High School should be retired now! Heck, Anybody who was playing baseball before I went to prison in 92' should be thinking about retiring!

Friday, September 28, 2007


Much thanks to Jesse & Danielle Saunders for turning me on to Deke Dickerson and "Crazy Joe" at the Continental last Saturday.
It was definitely an EXPERIENCE, and those are always the best kind of shows. If you love some guitar shredding, you must check this Cat out!!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Saturday, September 1, 2007


If you missed Rocco Deluca @ Stubbs you need to be punched in the face!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


OK Folks, Listen up!! Go to (I don't know how to put the dealio in there to shoot you straight to the link so just do it yourself). Click on FREE STASH in the uper right hand corner and then click on the Grateful Dead. Go to 10/18/1978 at the Winterland Arena in San Fran California. Either listen or down load it. The first set is AWESOME!! The second set is even better!! you may have to push yourself through a few songs since you're probably not on three hits of acid but it is SO well worth it. "drums"may be hard for some of you squares to get through, but get through it and listen to the last 4 songs of the second set. SOME OF THE BEST LIVE MUSIC EVER RECORDED!!!!
Seriously, if you don't listen to it I'm gonna smash your face...especially Kyle and Jesse........and Aaron...and Kayla..and Casey.

Friday, August 3, 2007


That stuff is real, Dawg. I haven't posted in over a month in order to let things get smooth with the Baseball gods.
Let's just be clear, I'm totally not talking smack, just stating how thankful I am that we are only a few games out of
the Wild-Card.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


If you haven't believed in Baseball mojo/karma before, you may now go ahead and believe. The Yankees have won only one game since my post about them still being in the hunt. It's totally my fault, along with everyone else who started talking smack too early.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Don't count them Yankees out yet!! That's right all you Boston fans, go ahead and staart looking over your shoulder cause here we come.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


This is worth getting for the 20 minute video of the making of the song In Repair alone.

Thursday, May 31, 2007



Thursday, May 24, 2007


Had to post this one imediately

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Not just HATS off, but everything off to Dr.Cox and the entire Labor and Delivery staff (especially Nurse Melanie Polk) at Seton Medical Center. These folks were on top of things on the morning of May 3rd and responded super quick when an unexpected emergency situation arose with our unborn at about 5:25am. Thanks to this Team at SETON our little girl was brought safely into this world at 5:33am. That's why I'm taking off more than just a hat and I would like for you to do the same. You don't have to get out of everything right this moment, but next time you're getting down to your birthday suit ( getting in the shower or whatever), just say, "here's to the Labor & Delivery Night Shift at SETON Central". Thanks for your participation.
And thanks to GOD too, who worked everything out so that we would actually be there in the Hospital when this emergency occurred.

Monday, April 30, 2007


I've been a bit confused about this for some time. I know the name of the burrito joint owned by McDonalds is Chipotle, but I've seen menus at restaurants which spell it with the L before the T.Chipolte, and folks often say it that way. I've also seen recipes which have it spelled with the L first. Well, this morning I finally found out the corrrect way and I'm looking forward to correcting people on this when the opportunity comes along. If y'all will join me on this, hopefully within a few short years we can have this common mistake eradicated.


The word chipotle, which was also sometimes spelled chilpoctle and chilpotle, comes to English originally from the Nahuatl word chilpoctli by way of Mexican Spanish. The Nahuatl word chilpoctli means "smoked chile", formed from chil (="chile pepper") + poctli (="smoke"). The original Nahuatl word was spelled "pochilli" and has apparently become reversed. Today it is commonly misspelled and mispronounced as chipolte, an error of metathesis. Other early spellings from Mexico are tzilpoctil, tzonchilli and texochilli. The most common pronunciation is chee-POHT-lay, although some of those who are aware of this word's Nahuatl roots prefer the more historical pronunciation chee-POHT-til. Some Mexicans refer to chipotles as chile poctle.

Monday, April 23, 2007


WOW, maybe love really does win! Last night we had the Saunders over to watch the Yanks and the Sox. Incase you didn't know, they are Red Sox fans and we are Yankee fans. I knew there was a good chance this could be a humbling expereience, since the Yankess already lost the first two games of the series and Dice-K was going for the Sox. Did I just invite a Red Sox fan over to watch the Yankees get swept?? Yes I did..and let me tell you, when the Yanks were up 3-0 and all of a sudden their young pitcher decides to start throwing batting practice, giving up 4 home runs IN A ROW....(Yes, that's Back to Back to Back to Back),
Good ol' Jesse showed me much mercy by refraining from jumping up and down in my living room.I wonder if I would have been as merciful.
I can still hear Joe Morgan telling John Miller..."I've never seen anything like that before, John...I've never seen four home runs in a row." Unfreakingbelievable!

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Just yesterday I could not turn on anything, my TV, radio or,computer without seeing or hearing about the VT shooting...

...And today I'm seeing and hearing about nothing else but this Sanjaya character. Even on ESPN radio for crying out loud.

OK, I know that no one has really forgotten, it was just a strange contrast from one day to the next. Seeing everyone so engulfed by what happened at VT and then hearing about all the people who were fighting back tears when Sanjaya was voted off American Idol last night. Maybe it's a good thing that we don't let tragedy keep us from enjoying the things we normally do? Maybe we should be ashamed? Who knows?
There's enough tragedy everyday that if we paused for it all the time we would just be stuck on pause I suppose.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


OK, I guess maybe she meant "diatribe". Oops!:

DIATRIBE: Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
di·a·tribe dahy-uh-trahyb
a bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism: repeated diatribes against the senator.

[Origin: 1575–85; < L diatriba < Gk diatrib pastime, study, discourse, deriv. of diatríbein to rub away (dia- dia- + tríbein to rub)]

—Synonyms tirade, harangue

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I overheard my wife saying something about a diet tribe the other day. I'm guessing that it's a tribe over in Africa where they help fat Americans lose weight or something. Chase gazelles, eat grub worms, carry stuff on your head, do all those groovy dances and stuff like that. Plus it's real hot at the same time. I can't believe it took them so long to come up with this idea!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Stranger Than Fiction

I just saw this movie last night and thought it was Great! There was a line towards the end of the movie that really stood out and made me think of a certain somebody.......

But instead of ruining the movie for you like I did to Kyle, I've edited this post and deleted what I said, Thank you for shopping at Buck Wayne In the Membrane.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What in Tarnation !?


SYLLABICATION: tar·na·tion
NOUN: New England & Southern U.S. The act of damning or the condition of being damned.
INTERJECTION: Used to express anger or annoyance.
ETYMOLOGY: tarn(al) + (damn)ation.
REGIONAL NOTE: The noun and interjection tarnation illustrate suffixation, the addition of a suffix to a word. Tarnation and darnation (the latter probably having come first) are both euphemistic forms of damnation. Tarnation seems to have been influenced by tarnal, another mild oath derived from (e)ternal! The Oxford English Dictionary cites late-18th-century examples of tarnation from New England, indicating that it has been part of American speech since colonial days.

I always wondered where the word tarnation came from and what exactly it meant. I cant ever say the word without getting a visual of Yosemite Sam. Same goes for the word Varmint.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

To Be A Dog

Am I the only one who wishes sometimes to be a dog ? Not just the sleeping part either, not for me anyway, since I'm not much the sleeper. The whole no responsibilities thing, just hangin out, chasing a frisbee, going for a walk. It would help to have nice owners ofcourse, and I know most of the time the food is crappy.....and I don't know about the whole licking your own butt thing,...but the positives sure seem to outweigh the negatives.

How does anybody else feel about this? Give me some pros and cons. Not that I'm gonna be able to turn myself into a dog if I choose, but it's fun to dream.

Monday, March 19, 2007


I'm gonna be someones Dad in a few weeks...Y'all pray for me !

Thursday, March 15, 2007


You can't get dirt underneath your fingernails if you don't have any fingernails.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Deer, Old People, and Scorpions

I recently heard that deer, old people and scorpions are all there is in Georgetown, Texas.
I don't necessarily think that is a bad thing, especially if they are all in the same room, or even
like in an exhibit at the zoo. I would come and watch for a while, how 'bout you?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Chloe wears a sa-rong too!

Hey Scott, ya gotta give some props to Chloe, Holmes

Wednesday, March 7, 2007