Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What in Tarnation !?


SYLLABICATION: tar·na·tion
NOUN: New England & Southern U.S. The act of damning or the condition of being damned.
INTERJECTION: Used to express anger or annoyance.
ETYMOLOGY: tarn(al) + (damn)ation.
REGIONAL NOTE: The noun and interjection tarnation illustrate suffixation, the addition of a suffix to a word. Tarnation and darnation (the latter probably having come first) are both euphemistic forms of damnation. Tarnation seems to have been influenced by tarnal, another mild oath derived from (e)ternal! The Oxford English Dictionary cites late-18th-century examples of tarnation from New England, indicating that it has been part of American speech since colonial days.

I always wondered where the word tarnation came from and what exactly it meant. I cant ever say the word without getting a visual of Yosemite Sam. Same goes for the word Varmint.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

To Be A Dog

Am I the only one who wishes sometimes to be a dog ? Not just the sleeping part either, not for me anyway, since I'm not much the sleeper. The whole no responsibilities thing, just hangin out, chasing a frisbee, going for a walk. It would help to have nice owners ofcourse, and I know most of the time the food is crappy.....and I don't know about the whole licking your own butt thing,...but the positives sure seem to outweigh the negatives.

How does anybody else feel about this? Give me some pros and cons. Not that I'm gonna be able to turn myself into a dog if I choose, but it's fun to dream.

Monday, March 19, 2007


I'm gonna be someones Dad in a few weeks...Y'all pray for me !

Thursday, March 15, 2007


You can't get dirt underneath your fingernails if you don't have any fingernails.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Deer, Old People, and Scorpions

I recently heard that deer, old people and scorpions are all there is in Georgetown, Texas.
I don't necessarily think that is a bad thing, especially if they are all in the same room, or even
like in an exhibit at the zoo. I would come and watch for a while, how 'bout you?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Chloe wears a sa-rong too!

Hey Scott, ya gotta give some props to Chloe, Holmes

Wednesday, March 7, 2007