OK Folks, Listen up!! Go to nugs.net (I don't know how to put the dealio in there to shoot you straight to the link so just do it yourself). Click on FREE STASH in the uper right hand corner and then click on the Grateful Dead. Go to 10/18/1978 at the Winterland Arena in San Fran California. Either listen or down load it. The first set is AWESOME!! The second set is even better!! you may have to push yourself through a few songs since you're probably not on three hits of acid but it is SO well worth it. "drums"may be hard for some of you squares to get through, but get through it and listen to the last 4 songs of the second set. SOME OF THE BEST LIVE MUSIC EVER RECORDED!!!!
Seriously, if you don't listen to it I'm gonna smash your face...especially Kyle and Jesse........and Aaron...and Kayla..and Casey.
I think you just listed all your readers ...
Dang Casey, ouch.
I downloaded the show over the weekend, but don't have time to listen to anything this week with work, but I can't wait to load it onto my iPOD next week and give it a spin once I'm back in the office!
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