WOW, maybe love really does win! Last night we had the Saunders over to watch the Yanks and the Sox. Incase you didn't know, they are Red Sox fans and we are Yankee fans. I knew there was a good chance this could be a humbling expereience, since the Yankess already lost the first two games of the series and Dice-K was going for the Sox. Did I just invite a Red Sox fan over to watch the Yankees get swept?? Yes I did..and let me tell you, when the Yanks were up 3-0 and all of a sudden their young pitcher decides to start throwing batting practice, giving up 4 home runs IN A ROW....(Yes, that's Back to Back to Back to Back),
Good ol' Jesse showed me much mercy by refraining from jumping up and down in my living room.I wonder if I would have been as merciful.
I can still hear Joe Morgan telling John Miller..."I've never seen anything like that before, John...I've never seen four home runs in a row." Unfreakingbelievable!
Bro-First of all, how come I was not invited to this party? :(
And-What's up with the number "4" with Sox & yanks?
4 Wins in a row a few years ago, four homers last night? Crazy, eh!
But every Red Sox fans knows the deal...We will lead the division all year long and then they yanks will add 2-3 players and the Red Sox will suck and the yanks will take the division by a game or two.
Can you see it-I can-But I hope I'm wrong!
I kinda like the number 5 better...like when the Yanks swept that 5 game series in Boston last year ;-)
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