Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Deer, Old People, and Scorpions

I recently heard that deer, old people and scorpions are all there is in Georgetown, Texas.
I don't necessarily think that is a bad thing, especially if they are all in the same room, or even
like in an exhibit at the zoo. I would come and watch for a while, how 'bout you?


Unknown said...

the question is.... who would win?? i would like to see those old people run from the scorpions, that's for sure. they'd probably just get on their golf carts and ride away.

scottawade said...

I'm scared - I live really close to GT - and that's where Jeff is from... maybe this explains a lot!

Buck Wayne said...

you need to watch out for old people riding deer, throwing scorpions !!

Anonymous said...

i am a faggot.

Anonymous said...

look at my profile i like john mayer. i play the skin flute.

Anonymous said...

Well said.