Sunday, April 8, 2007



Anonymous said...

please explain...

Anonymous said...

... for those of us who don't want them everyday...


Anonymous said...

yikes, i meant "watch" them everyday. either way...

Buck Wayne said...

Weren't you paying attention in church today?? Oprah got two mentions while Dr.Phil only got one. Dude, it is a very rare week when either of them are not mentioned. Once in a while one will get mentioned and not the other, but usually they will both get mentioned. I poke at Jeff about it all the time. I think Oprah and Dr.Phil should start tithing to the Vista :-)

Anonymous said...

oh, i gotcha. either they need to start tithing there, or we need to start paying them royalties for mentioning their name so much.

Anonymous said...

LOL, that is sooooo awesome.

Jeff Mangum said...

There is a third individual joining this competition...I will now be adding the Rev. Al Sharpton to the list...:)

Buck Wayne said...

My shortest post ever gets the most comments ever.

Anonymous said...

it's because none of us have attention spans longer than a few words to read a longer post. it's something i've been needing to get help for...

maybe from dr. phil.

Buck Wayne said...

Actually, my wife does some counseling, and maybe we could give you a reduced rate.