Weren't you paying attention in church today?? Oprah got two mentions while Dr.Phil only got one. Dude, it is a very rare week when either of them are not mentioned. Once in a while one will get mentioned and not the other, but usually they will both get mentioned. I poke at Jeff about it all the time. I think Oprah and Dr.Phil should start tithing to the Vista :-)
please explain...
... for those of us who don't want them everyday...
yikes, i meant "watch" them everyday. either way...
Weren't you paying attention in church today?? Oprah got two mentions while Dr.Phil only got one. Dude, it is a very rare week when either of them are not mentioned. Once in a while one will get mentioned and not the other, but usually they will both get mentioned. I poke at Jeff about it all the time. I think Oprah and Dr.Phil should start tithing to the Vista :-)
oh, i gotcha. either they need to start tithing there, or we need to start paying them royalties for mentioning their name so much.
LOL, that is sooooo awesome.
There is a third individual joining this competition...I will now be adding the Rev. Al Sharpton to the list...:)
My shortest post ever gets the most comments ever.
it's because none of us have attention spans longer than a few words to read a longer post. it's something i've been needing to get help for...
maybe from dr. phil.
Actually, my wife does some counseling, and maybe we could give you a reduced rate.
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