I've been a bit confused about this for some time. I know the name of the burrito joint owned by McDonalds is Chipotle, but I've seen menus at restaurants which spell it with the L before the T.Chipolte, and folks often say it that way. I've also seen recipes which have it spelled with the L first. Well, this morning I finally found out the corrrect way and I'm looking forward to correcting people on this when the opportunity comes along. If y'all will join me on this, hopefully within a few short years we can have this common mistake eradicated.
The word chipotle, which was also sometimes spelled chilpoctle and chilpotle, comes to English originally from the Nahuatl word chilpoctli by way of Mexican Spanish. The Nahuatl word chilpoctli means "smoked chile", formed from chil (="chile pepper") + poctli (="smoke"). The original Nahuatl word was spelled "pochilli" and has apparently become reversed. Today it is commonly misspelled and mispronounced as chipolte, an error of metathesis. Other early spellings from Mexico are tzilpoctil, tzonchilli and texochilli. The most common pronunciation is chee-POHT-lay, although some of those who are aware of this word's Nahuatl roots prefer the more historical pronunciation chee-POHT-til. Some Mexicans refer to chipotles as chile poctle.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007

WOW, maybe love really does win! Last night we had the Saunders over to watch the Yanks and the Sox. Incase you didn't know, they are Red Sox fans and we are Yankee fans. I knew there was a good chance this could be a humbling expereience, since the Yankess already lost the first two games of the series and Dice-K was going for the Sox. Did I just invite a Red Sox fan over to watch the Yankees get swept?? Yes I did..and let me tell you, when the Yanks were up 3-0 and all of a sudden their young pitcher decides to start throwing batting practice, giving up 4 home runs IN A ROW....(Yes, that's Back to Back to Back to Back),
Good ol' Jesse showed me much mercy by refraining from jumping up and down in my living room.I wonder if I would have been as merciful.
I can still hear Joe Morgan telling John Miller..."I've never seen anything like that before, John...I've never seen four home runs in a row." Unfreakingbelievable!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Just yesterday I could not turn on anything, my TV, radio or,computer without seeing or hearing about the VT shooting...
...And today I'm seeing and hearing about nothing else but this Sanjaya character. Even on ESPN radio for crying out loud.
OK, I know that no one has really forgotten, it was just a strange contrast from one day to the next. Seeing everyone so engulfed by what happened at VT and then hearing about all the people who were fighting back tears when Sanjaya was voted off American Idol last night. Maybe it's a good thing that we don't let tragedy keep us from enjoying the things we normally do? Maybe we should be ashamed? Who knows?
There's enough tragedy everyday that if we paused for it all the time we would just be stuck on pause I suppose.
...And today I'm seeing and hearing about nothing else but this Sanjaya character. Even on ESPN radio for crying out loud.
OK, I know that no one has really forgotten, it was just a strange contrast from one day to the next. Seeing everyone so engulfed by what happened at VT and then hearing about all the people who were fighting back tears when Sanjaya was voted off American Idol last night. Maybe it's a good thing that we don't let tragedy keep us from enjoying the things we normally do? Maybe we should be ashamed? Who knows?
There's enough tragedy everyday that if we paused for it all the time we would just be stuck on pause I suppose.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
OK, I guess maybe she meant "diatribe". Oops!:
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
di·a·tribe dahy-uh-trahyb
a bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism: repeated diatribes against the senator.
[Origin: 1575–85; < L diatriba < Gk diatrib pastime, study, discourse, deriv. of diatrÃbein to rub away (dia- dia- + trÃbein to rub)]
—Synonyms tirade, harangue
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
di·a·tribe dahy-uh-trahyb
a bitter, sharply abusive denunciation, attack, or criticism: repeated diatribes against the senator.
[Origin: 1575–85; < L diatriba < Gk diatrib pastime, study, discourse, deriv. of diatrÃbein to rub away (dia- dia- + trÃbein to rub)]
—Synonyms tirade, harangue
Thursday, April 12, 2007

I overheard my wife saying something about a diet tribe the other day. I'm guessing that it's a tribe over in Africa where they help fat Americans lose weight or something. Chase gazelles, eat grub worms, carry stuff on your head, do all those groovy dances and stuff like that. Plus it's real hot at the same time. I can't believe it took them so long to come up with this idea!
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Stranger Than Fiction

I just saw this movie last night and thought it was Great! There was a line towards the end of the movie that really stood out and made me think of a certain somebody.......
But instead of ruining the movie for you like I did to Kyle, I've edited this post and deleted what I said, Thank you for shopping at Buck Wayne In the Membrane.
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